- To what conclusion does the available evidence point?
- What are the implications of the existence or non-existence of God?
- If God is Love, why is the world so dangerous and chaotic?
- If God is Almighty, why does He not intervene?
- Is God omniscient? Does He really know me? Is God benevolent? Does he really have any concern for my well-being?
Is it reliable?
Is it relevant?
- The “DNA” of the Messiah is indisputable evidence as to Who He is.
- The declarations of the Messiah are incontrovertible exclamations as to Who He is.
· His death was unique.
· His provision is universal.
· Did He really rise?
· Does He really reign?
· Is this logical? – What about other great religious leaders?
· Is this scriptural? – What about people who lived before Christ came?
· Is this practical? – What about “non-Christian” cultures?
· Departure: When a person leaves this world, does he continue to exist?
· Arrival: If there is life after death, where does a human exist?
· Why do some people experience a sense of “cosmic loneliness” – as though something is constantly missing?
· Why do some people experience a sense of constant companionship – as though Someone is always present?
-While He has not always revealed when certain events will happen, He has often revealed what will happen
December 2019
Speakers - Gary Sharp and Dan Shutt
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